Vincenzo Schillaci | 2024, Clipper cuts, curated, by Sara Torcato,Varkensmarkt Bruxelles, Belgium
Vincenzo Schillaci | 2023, PANORAMA L'AQUILA, curated by Cristiana Perrella, city-wide exhibition, L'Aquila, Italy
Vincenzo Schillaci | 2023, Personal Showcase, Galerie Rolando Anselmi, Rome, Italy
Vincenzo Schillaci | 2021, Rising of the Moon, Galerie Rolando Anselmi, Berlin, Germany
Vincenzo Schillaci | 2020, Grand Opening, Galerie Rolando Anselmi, Rome, Italy
Vincenzo Schillaci | 2019, MiKe, Operativa Arte Contemporanea, Rome, Italy
Vincenzo Schillaci | 2018, Figures (?), In Berlin Project by Untitled Association, Berlin, Germany
Vincenzo Schillaci | 2018, Figures (?), FPAC, Milan, Italy
Vincenzo Schillaci | 2024, Phantasma #31, di cio che è nella voce,
lime, plaster, quartz paste, marble powder, pigments, inks, spray paint and marbled finishing on board, 200 x 160 cm
Vincenzo Schillaci | 2024, Phantasma #30, di qualità infinite, lime, plaster, quartz paste, marble powder, pigments, inks, spray paint and marbled finishing on board, 200 x 160 cm
Vincenzo Schillaci | 2023, Di Età Acerba, lime, plaster, quartz paste, marble powder, pigments, inks, spray paint and marbled finishing on board, 150 x 150 cm
Vincenzo Schillaci | 2023, Phantasma#27, M'acceca il sole, lime, plaster, quartz paste, marble powder, pigments, inks, spray paint and marbled finishing on board, 50 X 60 cm
Vincenzo Schillaci | 2023, Phantàsma #24, Fiondato in alto, lime, plaster, quartz paste, marble powder, pigments, inks, spray paint and marbled finishing on board, 150 x 120 cm
Vincenzo Schillaci | 2022, PHANTASMA #07, Fuochi nella notte, inks and oil on handmade cotton paper, 61 x 56 cm
Vincenzo Schillaci | 2022, Phantasma #09 , Di ciò che non tocca, lime, plaster,
quartz paste, marble powder, pigments, inks, spray paint and marbled finishing on
board, 120 x 100 cm
Vincenzo Schillaci | 2021, Romanticism is not Romantico #18, Faust, plaster and oil on linen, 120 x 100 cm
Vincenzo Schillaci | 2020, Das Erotische Leben, lime, plaster, quartz paste, marble powder, pigments, inks, spray paint and marbled finishing on board, 200 x 160 cm